Jogjakarta has a lot destinations for a short getaway vacation. If you go to Jogjakarta, i guess it can fulfiled wheter you are a backpaker style kind of person or you seek leisure and cozy places kind of person when you are on vacation.
Pantai Klayar, Pacitan
Goa Gong
This month i went to Jogjakarta twice, first for the
adventurous itinerary holiday. It was a 3 day trip, and i was lucky to go to
the places as i planed. Click Read More to see about 8 attraction on Jogjakarta ( Goa Jomblang, Goa Grubug, Gunung Purba, Pantai Klayar, Goa Gong, Air terjun Banyu Tibo, Imogiri and Gumuk Pasir

Goa Jomblang & Goa Grubug
To enter Jomblang cave, we will go down vertically for about
60 meters with a special equipments. Well, im a bit afraid of heigh, but that
wont stop me to experiencing a uniqe caving activites. It will takes for about
5 minutes to reach the bottom of Goa Jomblang. When we arrived at Goa Jomblang, you’ll see a ancient
forest, that you wont find the exact same species of vegitation like we used to
see above.
Then the adventure continue by tracing the tunnel that
connects Goa Jomblang with other vertical cave named Gubrug. Its about 500m to
feel the eternal darkness in that tunnel. What special about Goa Gubrug is, if
you arrived at 11.00- 13.00, you’ll see the view of the amazing ray of light
from the sun through the eternal darkness
at the bottom of Goa Grubug. Sunlight broke into the mouth of Grubug,
and on the north side of the huge stalagmites, there’s the river that flows
from Kalisuci .
Gunung Purba
Satisfied with Goa Jomblang, we immediately went to Mount
Purba (Gunung Purba) to enjoy sunset up on the hill. For the second day of
adventure, its time to go to Pacitan.
I guess this is my favorite destination on this trip. It sure worth the 8 hours
motorcycle rides to reach Pacitan (Jogjakarta – Pacitan – Jogjakarta). First
stop, Klayar Beach, oh my god – one word. BEAUTIFUL.
Pantai Klayar
Then we go to Goa Gong, it
was well maintained, they have clear path and man made stairs, with beautiful
lights that shine the –still growing- active stalactites and stalagmites. There
are soo many places that Pactitan offers, but we want to get home before it
gets dark, so after Goa Gong, we went to another beach then off to Jogjakarta.
If you decided to stay on Pacitan, there are so many unique caves and beautiful
beaches on the list.
Exotic Goa Gong
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